Of all the choices you make planning your wedding, choosing your veil length and type may seem minor (and it likely could be!), but potentially confusing. Veil length descriptions involve some jargon and names that don’t quite seem obvious, like what is a Juliet Cap? What’s the difference between Waltz and Fingertip?
To aide with this, we’ve broken down some of the different types below. To start with, check out this helpful photo below. Also, know that you are always welcome to stop by Marti & Co, and we’ll help you try on each type! For an overview of veils check out this link: http://geomyralewis.com/blog/guide-me-veil-lengths-styles/

Not necessarily a veil, this is normally a headpiece, either standalone or attached to a blusher veil.
Blusher Veil

This can also be known as a birdcage veil. It covers mainly just your face (either covering part of it or all of it). Great for a bride who wants just a little something of a veil. You’ll love that style comes in so many different veilings from modern to vintage veiling with chenille dots. The versatility of this veil may surprise you! It goes with most wedding gowns and venues, leaving out only the most formal gowns with long trains. www.etsy.com/your/shops/MartiandCompany/tools/listings/section:10299922/503616678
Shoulder Length Veil

A playful length that fulfills a need for a traditional veil without getting in the way. Great with a short dress!
Elbow Length

This is a great veil to highlight any detailing at your waist, and great for any height, while still covering your shoulders.
Fingertip Vei

The perfect length for a bride who wants a longer veil that is still minimal. Looks great with a sleek chignon!
Waltz Length Veil

Also known as ballet veils, a waltz-length veil hits somewhere between your fingertips and the floor. Perfect length for windswept photos and compatible with almost any hairstyle.
.http:// https://www.etsy.com/listing/249351060/waltz-length-wedding-bridal-veil-54
Chapel Veil

This length
Cathedral Veil

The most formal of all veils, this is the longest and typically the most embellished either with lace or other details. A beautiful statement, but keep in mind, this is a harder to move in
These next three veils are newer styles that we’ve seen popping up over the year. Not for the most traditional bride, however, these styles are great for a modern bohemian bride or a bride with an eclectic style.
Flower Crown Veil

Typically a veil draped over a flower
Draped Veil

Perfect for brides who want their hair down, and want a veil with increased ease of wear from its two clips.
Juliet Cap Veil

Perfectly old school and great for a simple silk or lace dress. Reminiscent of the 1920’s, this is great option for a vintage bride.
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